Recent blogs

Our Blogs ensure our clients are kept up to date with the latest employment news, legislation and case outcomes, so they can make informed decisions for their business and staff. 

Blog ● 16 August 2024

Major changes to casual employment coming very soon

On 26 August 2024, the old ‘multi-factor’ casual employment test will make a comeback, with some key updates.
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Our Emphasis articles provide business owners and HR teams with a deeper analysis and insights into all things employment.

Emphasis ● 29 August 2024

When are employers required to share the Casual Employment Information Statement?

There are now strict and ongoing requirements for employers in relation to issuing the Casual Employment Information Statement (FWCEIS) for both new and existing employees.
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Our Empower tools is a curated collection of resources and guides to help clients with their day to day business operations.
Empower tools ● 22 August 2023

General Protections Claims

Has your business received a general protections claim filed with the Fair Work Commission (FWC) or a Court? This Emplawyer Empower Tool will point you in the right direction.
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Empower tools ● 22 August 2023

Unfair Dismissal Claims

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Our Empower events are designed as educational discussion sessions, aimed at keeping business and human resources managers up to date when it comes to legal developments and their implications.

Are you an in-house or generalist legal practitioner looking to upskill in employment law, and earn CPD points while doing so? Or perhaps you’re an HR professional looking to develop or hone your relevant legal knowledge. The experts at Emplawyer offer a two-part live, online course to help you do just that.